Monday, 4 April 2011


... maybe I overreacted? Maybe just a little. I’m unsure how far. I guess when you’re the hormonal type; a cute grinning squirrel awakens the devil inside you. Although I would be kind of worried if a squirrel physically grinned at me. You know? Its eyes tainted with an all knowing aura, the type of sly characteristic you get when you know your brother uses your dad’s sock to masturbate with – waiting until the right time to use it against them and seize the power you need! MWAHAHA!!!

Now I’m kind of worried about my dad’s socks. I should just stop whilst I’m ahead I guess?

Any how! I suppose things have been sorted. Friends have been lying about things, but I really can’t be arsed going into the melodramatics of it all. I just want to sit back, eat cake and watch the button on my jeans pop off and shoot one of my many annoying managers in the eye. That’d be fantastic! Not the lack of clothing in public, but I guess you have to give a little if you want something. Thinking about it, could you get done for pre meditated murder if you invite someone you don’t like round for a cup of tea and ‘accidentally’ kill them with the popping of your jean’s button? Or would your jean’s get sent down for it since it was the one that committed the act? It’s a lot to take in, I know!

Anyways, going back on to the friend’s subject. I suppose I did overreact a little. I just took one person’s word for it and fired everything I had into ‘beating’ them. I just hate it when people decide they don’t like you because they have a new ‘pet’ whom they can play with, or the fact they abuse your loyalty and trust by lashing out at the things they know nothing of. When in reality, if they wanted to be a good friend themselves, they’d ask and be there for you.

It’s funny when you think about it, though. Is a friend really a friend when they’re able to smile to your face, but laugh behind your back? Is it really worth having someone like that around, just because you’re group ‘needs numbers’ to make them feel satisfied? I know a lot of people that hate the people they ‘hang’ with, but still manage to find time for them. Why? If you don’t enjoy their company, why bother? Unless you’re a sadist of some kind and enjoy the torture of hearing about their child’s bodily functions... then you need fucking help anyways!
I just don’t understand why the world has fallen into a stupor of ‘putting up’ with people just for the sake of peace. You have rights too. Just tell the fuckers. If they don’t like it, there’s no water off your back. Obviously, managers and such is a different matter, but fellow people... fuck it. They shouldn’t be arseholes then.
It’s true what they say: “Truth hurts”. Life hurts, though. They can’t just keep going through life thinking everything is hunky dory when it isn’t, can they? It’s not a damn Disney cartoon. I know it’ll be hard when you have friends of friends and they want you all there, but at the end of the day, you don’t have to speak to them. Just ignore them, and maybe one day... they might just go away. I think the world has changed for the worse. Years ago, truth was the way to go. If someone smelled, you told them! They had a bath. Now days, people just sit there and don’t breathe instead. For all you know, you might be saving their life by telling them they smell. Tell them; don’t laugh about it behind their backs. I know which I’d prefer... at least that way I’d have a chance to sort it before I became the laughing stock.

Anyways... I don’t know what I’ve said. I’ve literally just rambled, so I apologise in advance, I’ll try to have something a little more structured next time.

Until then, kiddos! ^_^


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